Sendside: Sales Acceleration Experience

Sendside's customer and member base is growing steadily, which makes us all happy around the campfire. And the largest increas in new clients is coming in from orgaizations looking to use Sendsides SaaS in four areas: sales acceleration, sales automation, strategic marketing and customer retention.
Since one of my primary responsibililties is creating and improving Sendside's user experiece, I'm constantly rethinking our members experience with the product. With so many sales forcees coming onboard, it put me in mind of something that Seth Godin posted about Google and their push to make the user experience better.
From Seth Godin:
Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google,
"We knew that Google was going to get better every single day as we worked on it, and we knew that sooner or later, everyone was going to try it. So our feeling was that the later you tried it, the better it was for us because we'd made a better impression with better technology. So we were never in a big hurry to get you to use it today. Tomorrow would be better."
...As a result of Google's decision, they made counter-intuitive decisions. No ads, for example. No clutter. No popups, no tricky interpretations of privacy policies. Instead, every decision was, "If this is going to be the one and only choice, the best search engine in the world, what should we do?" The feeling was, if they built that, the money would take care of itself. And the investors who bought in were in on the game from the start.
That quote is definately tracking with how we perceive Sendside. Everyone will try it at some point because it acutally works in exactly the ways that businesses need it to work.
Take a look at some of our customer's sales, marketing, and retention success stories. You'll notice that the vertical markets are all different. In fact, drastically so, but the enthusiasm for what Sendside is providing is remarkably consistant. Sendside is solving real business needs around sales and customer relationships.
As part of the user experience that sales teams are having with our sales acceleration and sales force automation we've added two new features that are about to be released; integration and Sendside Mobile.
Both of these features utilize our API set and were derived from listening to how our customers are using Sendside. I have to say that both are really cool. Sendside Mobile allows you to send Packages, Secure Messages or eSignatues from your smart phone. The integration allows you to send from inside and use Senside's instant reporting and analytics to see when your information is opended, and what the recipient's looking at.
From the sender's side the experience is clean and easy. Just what you want when you're accelerating sales.
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