Google's Spam Tsar

Google's got a Spam Tsar (spelled with a T). Czar, of course, is another spelling.
Via the BBC: Google's Spam Tsar
The whole workspace is divided into areas covering various aspects of Gmail from the calendar to documents and from the reader to spam.
The 'Spam Tsar' who keeps Gmail free from offers you don't want.The guys fighting to keep spam out of the Gmail inbox are tucked away in a dark corner of the office. Brad Taylor is known as the 'Spam Tsar', a title he quite enjoys.
He has been working on Gmail since its public launch back in 2004 and says he has seen a real growth in the amount of unsolicited email flooding into the system.
"Originally when we launched 25% of email was spam. We caught a lot of that. Over time its grown and grown and currently around 75% of all email is spam and so our job has got a lot harder."
We can spend up to half our working day going through our inbox, leaving us tired, frustrated and unproductive.
A recent study found one-third of office workers suffer from e-mail stress.
And it is expensive, too. One FTSE firm estimated that dealing with pointless e-mails cost it £39m a year.
Now firms are being forced to help staff deal with the daily avalanche in their inboxes. Some hire e-mail consultants, while others are experimenting with e-mail free days.
Tsar or Czar?
- also tsar or tzar (zär, tsär) A male monarch or emperor, especially one of the emperors who ruled Russia until the revolution of 1917.
- A person having great power; an autocrat: "the square-jawed, ruddy complacency of Jack Farrell, the czar of the Fifteenth Street police station" (Ernest Hemingway).
- Informal An appointed official having special powers to regulate or supervise an activity: a racetrack czar; an energy czar.
Usage Note: The word czar can also be spelled tsar. Czar is the most common form in American usage and the one nearly always employed in the extended senses "any tyrant" or informally, "one in authority." But tsar is preferred by most scholars of Slavic studies as a more accurate transliteration of the Russian and is often found in scholarly writing with reference to one of the Russian emperors.
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