Web Design: UI, CSS, & a certain coolness factor.

Stint building UI, blogs, & other...
I find myself in need of some design, css, interface, mocks, html and other stuff. We've decided to bring some of this development inside so I'm casting a web to see if I know anyone who's in the market or a freelancer who may want a gig of a few months. You'll be builiding blogs, UI work, CSS, mocks and demos, possibly some print and collateral, whatever needs doing.
This is an opportunity, not a job. Contractor at first till we both decide if we like each other. This is a perfect opportunity for a younger designer who codes or a coder who knows a little about design to get a toe into a real startup.
Must have:
- Design sense that doesn't suck. The better your design sense, the more I'll like you.
- Familiarity with wordpress & blogging.
- CSS, HTML, & probably some java junk.
- Smarter that you are dumb.
- Ability to get things done.
This is a paying gig that will probably last a few months at least. If you're entry level and willing to learn, fine. If you're senior and willing to pull your weight for a while, also fine. I'll pay whatever you're actually worth.
You can email me at jeffbarson at sendside dot com and I'll call you.
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