Simple Curiosity? - A new site for the uber-intelligent.

Three days ago I had something of an epiphany about blogging. There's a blog missing. One that deals with interesting snippets of knowledge that's somewhat funny and viral. So I decided to make it. - Tickle your thinking bone.
I was somewhat supprised that the domain was still available so I snapped it up along with a simple curiousity since two people I asked misspelled it that way.
Now I'm not claiming that it's for everyone. Certainly there are some trailer-park-Charlies who wouldn't be interested in any brain food but they don't read blogs anywhay. This site is the one I'm building because it's the one I want. It's filling up with the kind of stuff my Mom loves to send to me. I figured If I write it myself at least I'll get to pick the subject matter and I should be interested.
Fight Club, for those of you who are ready to rumble, has been no something of a haitus lately since I've been hauling hay. (No, actually I really have to haul hay. It's certainly one of the least enjoyable days I have.)
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