Money Magazine revels in 2.0 Startups.

Moneys 25 startups to watch.
LogoWorks in Lindon is on the list? Go figure. I gave'em a try... once.
From the story: This year's field is chockablock with "me too" companies, and the bar for startups has been set even higher, in terms of both what customers expect and the kind of return on their investments the angels and venture capitalists want to see.
This means that, for many, 2007 is going to be a make-or-break year. "There has been enough time now to determine if there is something there," says David Hornik, a partner with August Capital and an Internet startup specialist. "For a lot of companies, the answer will be no." (Hence the rise of F---edCompany 2.0 sites like TechCrunch's DeadPool and Valleywag's Deathwatch.)
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