Edgeio sells all assets and goes out of business.
Posted on
Thu, December 13, 2007 at 10:51 AM

Here's the email I just got from Edgeio announcing that they're selling all of their assets:
You are receiving this email because you have created a Classified Board on
On Friday 7 December, due to its inability to fund ongoing operations, the Board of Directors recommended closing down the company and selling its assets. As a result there will be an auction for edgeio's assets, starting Tuesday December 11th 2007, and terminating on Friday December 21rd 2007. The service will remain operational through the auction period and, depending on the winner, may continue to run after the auction closes.
To learn more about edgeio and the auction process, visit
Thank you for using the service-
The edgeio team
I've used the Edgeio service and had good results. I can only hope the new owner keeps the site up and running.
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