Name this blog.

I need a better name for this blog. Something catchy. Something Quirky.
If anyone has any ideas about what I should call this site, comment on this post and leave the name.
If I choose a name from among the comments, I'll give the lucky namer a $1000 dollar gift certicate good at my other business, Surface Medical Spas. That's no joke. Your wife will love you for at least a year. (some restrictions apply.) < you always have to put that in.
Reader Comments (8)
Something with Ninja in it would be ideal.
I love your blog, keep up the good work.
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Ren-man’s Rantings
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The New, New Farmer’s Market Blog
Jeff Barson – Internet Inventory Illusionist
Inventory Illusionism
Inventory Commoditization Credo
Jeff Barson - Conjurer of Commoditization
Barson’s Bargain Blogfest
Barson’s Blogfest of Bargains
Barson’s Braindump
Braindumpings from Barson