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This is the blog of Jeff Barson. I'm currently running HireVue Labs, former Director at Sendside, founder of Surface Medical, Nimble, Medspa MD, Freelance MD, Frontdesk, Uncommon, and Wild Blue... angel investor and startup advisor. Oh, and I'm a artist. More >>


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    Somebody stole my domain name.

    Somebody stole my domain name, that dirty son of a bitch. I've had the domain www.ren-man.com for the last eight years from a former stint as an artist, it was my art site. Since I've been so busy lately, somebody came along and as soon as that domain expired, they snapped it up.

    I can't really say I blame anybody except myself. I'm sure a bot snaped up a domain that's been registered for a long time immediately, as soon as it goes offline. I do have something of an ethical problem with the people that do this, since really, they're adding no value to anything the damn parasites. So now I'm going to have to register another domain and switch over my site. It could be worse, of course, but I still think it's kind of screwed up that these guys are allowed to register a domain, make a dead end with a bunch of paid advertising links on it, so that when you get there you have no option except to click a paid link. I hate that.

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    Reader Comments (3)

    This same thing happened to me. I'm trying to find out how to get it transferred back to me, especially since the domain is MY OWN NAME! It's very frustrating. I feel your pain.
    09.25 | Unregistered Commenterhypernayte
    The same thing happened to me, except I just went into business this past year. I sell fashion accessories and my website is FieryFashions.com. One of my competitors bombayfashions.com bought the domain name fieryfashion.com in November because of course they couldn't fight fair by selling better products then my website. So now they are trying to steal my business. I feel like an idiot for not thinking of buying that website myself. I want them to pay for what they have done but I don't know what I can do to fight back. I don't even know if I can fight back.
    03.4 | Unregistered CommenterFieryup
    No, there is nothing you can do. When creating an online website, you have to think of other similar domain names that you should purchase as well, so no one else takes it. It's investment and time from your part that you must put in.

    It's not BombayFashions.com fault for taking the domain name. They are only doing what is best for their business. You need to do what is best for your business and keep up with the Internat Industry.

    The name of your website is not a very popular one, so I personally think the odds of people typing in the other name BombayFashions.com has taken is very rare.

    You shouldn't worry that much about it.

    Again, this is the Internet Industry. It's all about WORDS and LETTERS. If you dont buy the rights and the domain names, you are not entitled to anything.

    Hope that helps!!

    -- Helper.
    03.27 | Unregistered CommenterHelper

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