The BYU Marriott School of Business ranks 3rd in regional business schools.

Brigham Young University at No. 3 in The Wall Street Journal/Harris Interactive Regional ranking.
In this year's survey, recruiters gave the Marriott School its top scores for students' teamwork skills, work ethic, and analytical and problem-solving abilities.
It was rated lowest for students' previous work experience, experiential learning in the curriculum, the career-services office, and graduates' willingness to relocate.
Brigham Young's major deficiency, recruiters say, is its lack of diversity, with women accounting for only 17% of its M.B.A. students, minorities 10% and foreign nationals 12%. The school hopes to boost those percentages through its "diversity initiative" for recruiting more underrepresented students and faculty and offering special scholarships to minorities.
Evidently all those hard working, team oriented, puzzle solving white boys just don't want to give up living in Provo. Bowling and eating ice cream must be a lot more fun than I realize.
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