Let's get ready to rumble!

Fight Club Dinner, Wednesday, Nov. 1st
We're going to have a Fight Club Dinner next Wednesday. Read about FC here.
Here's a partial list of previous fighters:
My appologies to everyone not appearing here yet. This list is taking longer than I thought. (I'm going to start collecting business cards as this list is at least 30 names short.)
- Ryan Money, HireVue - Money Talks
- Josh Steimle, MWI - Don Loper
- Alex Lawrence, Pizza Hut (wink)
- Devin Thorpe, Thorpe Capital - MidMarket Maven
- Judd Bagley, Overstock.com - Business Jive Podcast
- Chris Knudsen, Podango - blog
- Blake Snow, 10 Speed Media? - Smooth Harold
- Jordy Gunderson, Overstock.com - Jordy Blog
- Shawn Nelson, Lovesac - Lovesac's Rebel CEO
- Ryan Coombs, Audio Archives - Ryans Fight
- John Wright, Powercode
- Jason Barber, Seatability
- Derek Perkins, Seatability
- Justin Bergener, VIP Bloggers
- Geoff Osmond, Connect Magazine
- Allan Young, University Venture Fund
- Jacob Hanson, HireVue Jacobs Blog
- Jeremy Neilson, Utah Fund of Funds
- Nate Thurgood, BelleHavens
NOTE: I've been emailing people individually in the past and it's a headache so I've created a list. I don't think I've got everyone who's attended so if you don't receive an email let me know.
If you'd like to be added to the invite list just email me.
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