Connect Magazine: I guess it's my point of view except for the fat guy in front.

I was flattered when Connect Magzine called me and asked if they could send up a writer and run an article on my. (Connect article) I prattled on for an hour at least before Lisa felt she had had enough.
But that's not what this post is about.
Geoff Osmond called me later and asked if they could come up to Park City and take a picture for the article. Fine with me. Everyone at Connect is great to work with. So Kevin Kiernan proceeded to snap a few pictures. I was happy enough until he showed me a few of the shots on the back of his camera. Who the hell is that fat guy standing in front of me? That was my first thought.
Here's the picture that Kevin took. What the hell's happened to me?
Now I'm not totally wrapped up in vanity but hey, that's not nice.
Especially since this is how I think of myself. (This is a promo shot for my publisher and it's about 10 years old.)
Startups take their toll. I used to be something of a gym rat. I ran the NYC Marathon. I was in really good shape.
Seven years of startup hours have left their mark. Now I've got Married Mans Disease.
I'm going to the gym.
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